Zhipeng Wang

Kat. 105

Zhipeng Wang

Identity Ring

Chinesischer Tee
4 x 3 cm
Auflage: 3

Material: € 20
Aufrufpreis: € 200
Prof. Karen Pontoppidan
Aktuelles Semester
Instagram Account
Kommende Ausstellungen/Projekte
2022 Oberbayerischer Förderpreis für Angewandte Kunst, Heim+Handwerk, Munich/DE
Artist Statement
As a Chinese living in Europe, the impact of different cultures are particularly significant in my daily life. Tea is the representative of drinks with oriental characteristics, while coffee is the representative of drinks with Western characteristics. They have great similarities in origin and development.
Their origins are full of mythological color and endowed with mysterious cultural images. In the early days, coffee was only circulated among aristocrats in Europe, And tea was also only supplied to the Emperor’s family in ancient China. But nowadays, with the great fusion of world cultures,
drinking coffee is not only a habit unique to the West, but tea drinking has gradually become a part of people’s daily life in Europe. Signet ring as a symbol of identity and authority has become an indispensable part of the middle ages Western aristocracy. I try to fuse tea and coffee, combined with the traditional European signet ring to reinterpret and to create a contemporary identity ring
of an ordinary Chinese living in Europe.
Themen, die mich in meiner Arbeit grundsätzlich beschäftige
Identity Ring
Medien, mit denen ich arbeite
Ring: Chinese tea, German coffee